Specialist for surface treatments for 35 years

Business and target of WSC

The cold rolling industry (steel, aluminium, copper, brass...) requires special roll surfaces. The main target is a long lifetime at constant quality together with a high productivity. Beside the mechanical values like strength and ductility, the deep drawability and the painting are of a vital importance for the further processing. Due to the direct contact betwenn roll and strip we optimize the roll surface by texturing and "freezing" it by a subsequent chrome-plating process. The additional benefit for our customers is an extended lifetime of the rolls.

In 1989 Walzen-Service-Center was founded as a 50/50 Joint-Venture company between ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG and Court Holding Ltd., Canada. The new company started in Oberhausen with a Lasertex-machine and a Chrome plant. Today, after more than 25 Years in operation, processes and quality standards have been optimized and the Lasertex-machine became replaced by Electro-Discharge-Texturing machines. Additionally, a second Chrome plant was erected in Dortmund. Based on steady improvements of our equipment, combined with increasing know-how, also in future we will meet our customers’ requirements.
