WSC Walzen-Service-Center GmbH
Essener Straße 259
46047 Oberhausen
Telephone: 02 08 / 30 29 28 - 70
Fax: 02 08 / 30 29 28 - 99
Represented by:
Managing director
Frederik Hoffmann
Registered in the Commercial Register.
Court of Register: Duisburg
Registration number: HRB 12421
Sales tax ID:
Sales tax identification number in accordance with §27a German Sales Tax Law (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
DE 120645701
Disclaimer – Legal Information
§ 1 Limitation of liability
The content of this website is compiled with the utmost care. However no warranty is given for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information presented. Use of the content of this website is at the user's own risk. Contributions attributed to a named author represent the opinion of the author and not always our opinion. Use of the website alone does not establish any contractual relationship between the user and us.
§ 2 External links
This website contains links to websites of third parties ("external links"). Liability for such websites lies with the operators concerned. We reviewed the content of the third-party websites for legal infringements when the external links were first placed. At that time no legal infringements were apparent. We have no control over the current and future design and content of linked sites. The placing of external links does not signify that we endorse the content of linked sites. It is not reasonable for us to constantly monitor the external links without concrete evidence of legal infringements. However, in the event of known legal infringements the external links will be deleted immediately.
§ 3 Copyright and related rights
The content and structure of the website of WSC GmbH Oberhausen are protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, in particular the use of texts, lines of text, or image material, is subject to the explicit consent of WSC GmbH Oberhausen. This applies in particular to the duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing and reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and rights of third parties are identified as such. Copying and downloading is permitted for personal, private and non-commercial use only. Content from this website may only be displayed in external frames with our written permission.
§ 4 Special terms of use
Where special terms for individual uses of this website differ from the above terms and conditions, this is explicitly specified. In this case the special terms of use apply in each individual case.
Data privacy statement:
Data protection
In the following we would like to inform you about our data privacy statement. Here you will find information about the collection and use of personal data when using our website. We comply with the data protection laws applicable in Germany. You can view this statement on our website at any time.
We explicitly point out that data transmission on the internet (e.g. e-mail communication) may be subject to security risks and cannot be fully protected against third-party access.
We oppose the use of the contact details given in our impressum for advertising purposes except in cases where we have given our prior written consent or a business relationship already exists. We and all persons named on this website hereby object to all commercial use and disclosure of our data.
Personal data
You can visit our website without submitting any personal information. On pages asking you to provide personal information (such as name, address or e-mail address), we collect this as far as possible on a voluntary basis. This information will not be disclosed to third parties without your express permission. In cases where a contractual relationship between you and us is to be established, developed or changed, or you send us an inquiry, we will collect and use your personal data insofar as is necessary for these purposes (contract data). We will collect, process and use personal data insofar as is necessary to enable you to use our website (utilization data). We will store personal data only as long as is necessary for the specified purpose (processing your inquiry or managing a contract), taking into account retention periods applying under tax and commercial law. At the request of the competent authorities we may provide information about these data (contract data) in individual cases where this is necessary for the purposes of law enforcement, hazard prevention, performing the statutory duties of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or Military Counter-Intelligence Service, or defending intellectual property rights.
Right to information
You have the right to obtain free and immediate information on the data we have collected about you at any time. You have the right to withdraw your permission for the future use of your personal data at any time. To obtain information please contact us using the contact details in the impressum.